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Nouvelle parution : ‘VeriDash: An AI-Driven, User-Centric Open Source Dashboard for Enhancing Multimedia Verification.’

Publié le 4 décembre 2024 Mis à jour le 4 décembre 2024

Publication de : Skivdal, J., Dierickx, L., & Dang-Nguyen, D.-T.

Skivdal, J., Dierickx, L., & Dang-Nguyen, D.-T. (2024). VeriDash: An AI-Driven, User-Centric Open Source Dashboard for Enhancing Multimedia Verification. Norsk IKT-Konferanse for Forskning Og Utdanning, (2).


This paper presents VeriDash, an open source dashboard that integrates AI-based technologies to streamline the multimedia verification process for fact-checkers. VeriDash offers advanced features such as automated transcription, geolocation, and an intuitive interface that streamlines the fact-checking process while ensuring ease of use. By incorporating a human-in-the-loop approach, VeriDash balances technological efficiency with human expertise, promoting trusted and responsible AI technology to support and enhance the fact-checking process.


le 24 novembre 2024

Date de première publication