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Séminaire ReSIC 2023-2024

Publié le 13 novembre 2023 Mis à jour le 1 décembre 2023

Fabiola Calazans (Universidade Federal de Brasilia) : "Notes about the liquidation of free time and the devotion to work."

Fabíola Calazans presents an exploratory research that investigates some media discourses that evoke excess work and indicate the eclipse of free time. She aims to uncover counter-hegemonic discourses within media culture that reveal resistance to this way of working, potentially representing insurgent subjectivities. In the first phase of her research, which she will initially present at ReSIC, Calazans examines the BBC news website "Worklife" to analyze the discursive formations it presents.

Fabíola Calazans coordinates the research group CETAS – Center for Studies on Technologies, Affects and Subjectivities of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil (CNPq). She is a professor of the research line "Image, Aesthetics, and Contemporary Culture'' in the Master's and Doctorate in Communication at the University of Brasília.

Le 5 décembre 2023
Campus du Solbosch
