Dans la même rubrique
The technologization of the news, the delegation of editorial authority to social platforms and the reputation crisis of Albanian media in an information-saturated environment
Ervin Goci : The technologization of the news, the delegation of editorial authority to social platforms and the reputation crisis of Albanian media in an information-saturated environment
The creation of news and information production in the Albanian media is increasingly left to technological platforms, which serve not only as distribution channels but also as conceptual hubs for news under cannibalistic competition with rivals and pressure for quick dissemination. There are over 700 news portals in Albania, and a large number of them are managed by one or two individuals who also serve as managers, journalists, administrators, and many other roles at the same time. Digital media in Albania have produced what the author Rasmus Kleis Nielsen calls "media capture", but in digital conditions, where there is no need to censor you from above, as the infected ecosystem of information rots itself and consequently society.
Ervin Goci is lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication at the University of Tirana. where he has been working since 2005's. He has a background in Philosophy and a PhD in Journalism, and his research focuses on journalism in the context of algorithmic platforms. He participates in Abania’s public television with a weekly column on issues related to the relationship between the media and modern technologies.